Studi Veterinari

Doctors Siegel, Finetti, Porro, Mariotto Rocca

Studi Veterinari Doctors Siegel Finetti Porro and Mariotto Rocca

Veterinary Surgery
Santa Margherita Ligure

Veterinary Surgery

Support Staff

Carla Rodio

Giulia Maurizi

Our Activity

Studi Veterinari Doctors Siegel Finetti Porro and Mariotto Rocca is a long established Veterinary Practice on the Ligurian Riviera di Levante and has always prided itself in its commitment to provide high quality compassionate service in friendly and courteous surroundings.

We strive to provide constant renewal of our equipment and frequent updates of our professional skills.

We offer a full range of Veterinary care on site or through our referral consultants so enabling us to ensure the best possible care for your pets.

Our Veterinary staff is composed of Dr Ralph Siegel and Dr Fausto Finetti as well as Dr Martina Rocca who specialises in Surgery and Endoscopy, and Dr Andrea Porro who specialises in Cardiology and Ultrasonography.

Our support staff Carla and Giulia are vastly experienced in handling all your problems and will make sure that your visit is pleasant and relaxing. They are a great source of information so if you have any concerns about your pet they will be happy to offer advice and give you peace of mind.

We have two surgeries, one in Santa Margherita Ligure in Corso Matteotti 66, Tel. 0185/287548 and the other in Rapallo in Via Mameli 340, Tel. 0185/53322.

Consultations are by appointment.


  • VACCINAZIONI (protocollo vaccinale personalizzato in base allo stile/ambiente di vita)
  • APPLICAZIONE MICROCHIP (e relativa gestione delle pratiche di registrazione all’anagrafe nazionale)
  • ECOADDOME ( esame diagnostico non invasivo e non doloroso normalmente eseguito senza sedazione)
  • ENDOSCOPIA ( si esegue endoscopia rigida per naso, orecchio e prime vie respiratorie; flessibile per apparato gastroenterico)
  • RADIOGRAFIA con radiologia digitale.
  • ESAMI CLINICI: la maggior parte degli esami (sangue,urine,feci..)viene eseguita nel nostro laboratorio interno.

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